I can't even tell you how well these little ones did on such a hot Georgia afternoon! Despite the steamy conditions, they still managed to stick it out with me! What sweet kiddos!
Thanks for stopping by! The blog is the place to visit for sneak peaks, specials or updates. Thank you all for your support and making this happen! And, a special thanks to my husband and children for putting up with my obsession and being the best models a girl could ask for! I love you all...
On-Location Children's Photographer Monroe, Georgia Walton County Photography
All images are copyright of Kirstin Smith Photography. Any duplication without explicit consent is punishable by law. This means copying, scanning and saving to your computer.
Session fee is $75 and is due at the time of your session.
All orders must be placed within 7 days. Proofs will be removed after 7 days. Reposting of images will incurr a $25 charge.
Orders will be placed upon receipt of payment.
Thank you for understanding. These polices are to protect my business and in turn my family.
A little hard to sum up, huh? I am a wife, mother, daughter and photographer who realizes that it really is the sweet things that make life so special. Never take it for granted.
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